Taurus July Horoscope

Taurus Horoscope

Health: According to the July Monthly Horoscope 2024, this month will be fine with respect to the health point of view. The beginning of the month may be weak due to the presence of Mars due to which you could suffer from some minor injuries or you may undergo any kind of surgery. Saturn will also have a retrograde aspect on the twelfth house due to which you have to face ups-and downs in the health aspect. Take medical treatment if necessary to prevent any big problem. You can suffer from pain in the eyes this month or an injury can occur in the legs this month. On 12th July, Mars will enter your zodiac sign and it will increase anger inside you. You have to control this anger as it may spoil your relations. It can affect your health also. To maintain good health, you have to keep yourself in peace and you should perform Yoga and meditation daily.

Career: This month is signaling to do a lot of hard work from the career’s point of view. The presence of Saturn in the tenth house in the retrograde state is telling that you should be ready for strict hard work and the pressure of work on you will be more. The completion of the work in the right way and at the right time by you will be the main reason for improvement of the performance in your work. This will also create a strong image of you in the workplace and you should do a lot of hard work. The lord of the sixth house Venus along with the Sun will be present in the second house at the beginning of the month. Due to this the atmosphere of your workplace will be favorable and you’ll find it peaceful to work. Due to the transit of Venus in the third house after 7th July in the second half of the month, you will get the full support of your colleagues. They will help you in improving your work and due to this the situations at the workplace will improve. If you run a business, Mars will aspect with full strength while sitting in the twelfth house on the place where its own zodiac Scorpio is present.Also, Jupiter will aspect with full seventh aspect on the seventh house. Due to this, Yogas of growth in the business will be created. You will get the support of the experienced people and youth of the society due to which your business will progress. You can also get support and good investment through foreign mediums and other states. This will give a good direction to your business. Due to the transit of Mars in the Taurus zodiac, after the 12th of July, in the second half of the month. From there it will aspect on the business by the seventh aspect, due to which you will declare new strategies, but you should avoid taking any decisions in a hurry. The retrograde Saturn will continue to aspect on the seventh house so you have to behave with the people who work in your home in a very good manner in order to maintain prosperity in your business.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations: According to the July Monthly Horoscope 2024, if we look at your love relations, then Nodal Planet Ketu will be sitting in the fifth house for the whole month and Jupiter will have full vision on him, due to which spirituality will increase in your relationship. You will feel good towards each other. Together you can go on a trip to a temple or a scenic and religious place. Wherever you go you will feel proud of your love. Venus, the significator of love, will be in the second house and Mercury, the lord of the fifth house, will be in the third house, so you will try everything possible to get your love and it will also take your time to improve your love life. This will develop a sense of happiness in your mind and your love life will move towards compatibility. However, you should not make any kind of false promises to your beloved in this because by doing so, they may lose their trust in you and conflicts may increase in your love relationship. According to Monthly Horoscope 2024, on July 19, Planet Mercury will enter your fourth house and before that on July 7, Planet Venus will enter your third house. This will bring happiness in your love life. If you are married, then with the grace of Lord Jupiter your married life will go very well. Both of you will understand and fulfill all your responsibilities equally. Mars will aspect on the seventh house and there can be occasional arguments and heated arguments. Despite all this, you will not back down from your relationship and both will fulfill the duty of an ideal life partner. Those couples who wish to have a child, their wish can be fulfilled this month. There are chances that Yogas can be formed for the marriage of the unmarried natives and a good marriage proposal can come your way.

Advice: Perform Yoga and Meditation daily to remove mental stress. Perform Rudrabhishek to get success in your works. Offer Durva grass washed with Gangajal (Bermuda Grass) to Lord Ganesha on Wednesday. Chant ‘Shree MahaLaxmi Mantra’ on a Rhinestone Maala (Beads) at least 108 times on every Friday.

General: This month will give favorable results for the natives of Taurus zodiac according to the Monthly Horoscope 2024. You will receive a lot of auspicious news this month so you should keep yourself ready and don’t hesitate to do hard work because you have to do hard work constantly. Remember, hard work never goes in vain and you will receive the benefit of it this month. Your earnings will experience a significant increase and growth which will give you satisfaction. You have to pay attention to your job as pressure may be clearly seen upon you. This month will bring a lot of success for the natives of Taurus who run a business. There may be some stress in married relationships but due to the grace of Lord Jupiter, the problem will decrease slowly and you both will solve all your problems mutually. There may be some conditions created for an increase in stress in Love relationships. Health may be somewhat weak in the first half of the month but it will become favorable in the second half of the month. Students may find it easy to understand difficult subjects but due to dissolution of your concentration, some problems may occur and in this month you may undertake a journey from one state to another. The natives of Taurus will get the love from their siblings but due to some matter, an emotion of satisfaction can take birth. The health may be somewhat weak in the first half of the month, but it will become favorable in the second half of the month.

Finance: This month will give fine results if we talk about the financial position of the natives of Taurus zodiac sign. Nodal Planet Rahu will remain present in the eleventh house of your birth chart and it will try every bit to increase your income. You will make every effort to increase money. You will get success in increasing your money and also in your business.You can receive money from foreign sources and your financial situation will improve due to increase of money in your business. The presence of Planet Saturn in the tenth house and Planet Sun in the second house in the first half of the month will impart success in accumulating money. Due to the effect of Venus and Mercury, you can witness a good increase in the earnings. There may be some necessary expenses at the start of the month.Some expenses may occur due to some property but there are chances of giving favorable results this month.

Family & Friends: According to the Monthly Horoscope 2024, there is a strong possibility that this month will be fine in family life. Due to the presence of the Planet Jupiter in your zodiac sign, you will have patience in your mind and you will be full of right thoughts, due to which you will be able to handle the situations by taking the right decision at the right time. By which the family environment will be taken care of. Planet Saturn sitting in the tenth house will aspect your twelfth house, seventh house and fourth house. Due to which everything will be present in the family, you will feel some disconnection in the family. You will feel lonely in your mind and you will feel a lack of satisfaction. You will feel that something is missing. Your father's health may be affected to some extent. Due to the placement of Venus and Sun in the second house, family happiness will increase. There will be an increase in household income and respect for the family will increase. According to the July Monthly Horoscope 2024, Mercury will be present in the third house and in the second half of the month, Sun and Venus will also transit there due to which your siblings will get your full support. All of you will work together for the prosperity of your family. Your love will serve as an inspiration for people. In this way, this month will fill your family life with happiness.